Caliente is Moving!

Caliente is Moving!

Effective December 19, 2014, Caliente, LLC and Caliente Defense will have a new home! Our new address will be 315 East Wallace Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46803.

Why are we moving? Because of the trust of our valuable customers and the faithful service of our superb vendors, we have grown beyond the 20,000 square feet we have occupied the last 9 years. Our new facility is nearly 40,000 square feet, and will allow us to accommodate the growth we have planned over the years ahead.

So on behalf of the 25 families your business helps support - thank you. We couldn't do it without you, and we're excited to continue working on innovative products that help differentiate your companies in the marketplace. We very much appreciate our relationship with you!

Our New Address - 315 E. Wallace St., Fort Wayne, IN 46803

"Calienté always performs at a very high level of customer service; be it in the form of a purchase order confirmation and/or response time of product quotations. Calienté understands their customer's needs related to lead time mitigation and provision of best price points, both key elements of being successful in the 21st century marketplace."

Key Telecom Customer