Caliente maintains prestigious ISO:9001 Certification

Caliente LLC, a manufacturer of thermal components including heating, cooling and control systems, passed their ISO 9001:2008 recertification audit. ISO 9001:2008 is a standard which establishes criteria for operating quality management systems. It is implemented by over one million companies and organizations in over 160 countries.

This quality-management certification is awarded to organizations that meet the criteria for ensuring that customers get consistent, good quality products and services. “Achieving ISO 9001:2008 certification sharpens our focus on continual improvement of service efficiency and effectiveness, maintaining our competitive edge in the global marketplace” said Mike Kelly, Caliente’s President.

Caliente earned the ISO 9001:2008 quality-management recertification after passing an independent assessment conducted by AMTEC, an internationally recognized ISO auditor. The ISO 9001:2008 certification is valid for three years, with audits performed every year by AMTEC.

“Calienté has been the contract manufacturer for our BlueTOAD™ product for the past 4 years. Their quality and professionalism is second to none. The relationship with Calienté has evolved beyond client and vendor as we believe Calienté to be a valuable partner as we both enjoy future growth and success together.”

Roland Ho, Trafficcast