
Caliente thermal targets at 2013 International Sniper Competition

The world's premier snipers converged in Fort Benning last week for the 13th annual International Sniper Competition (renamed the Sniper...

Caliente thermal targets to be featured at 2013 International Sniper Competition

Caliente thermal targets to be featured at 2013 International Sniper Competition

The world's premier snipers converge in Fort Benning next week for the 13th annual International Sniper Competition. The competition...

Caliente takes on the Battery Show

The Battery Show took place in Detroit, Michigan on Sept 17-19. Our CEO wraps up our experience with the...

Our ever-changing world of manufacturing

Our ever-changing world of manufacturing

When we first started Caliente in 2001, we had a slow start. Companies told us they wouldn't work with businesses that hadn’t been...

The customer is always right, right?

This phrase began in an age where caveat emptor, or “Let the buyer beware,” mentality reigned supreme, leading to customer...

Charge for samples?

In most cases, it seems like common sense that you should see a sample product before you place a bulk order with a new manufacturer or...

“Calienté has been the contract manufacturer for our BlueTOAD™ product for the past 4 years. Their quality and professionalism is second to none. The relationship with Calienté has evolved beyond client and vendor as we believe Calienté to be a valuable partner as we both enjoy future growth and success together.”

Roland Ho, Trafficcast